Now Bahar Coordination and Reconstruction Organization is a non-governmental and non-profit organization took its working license from NGOs department of Islamic republic of Afghanistan in 2017. The main goal of this organization as a social, nonprofit and non-governmental foundation is taking a remarkable part for reform of peace stability, development, offering voluntarily philanthropic services for those people of the society whom they need based on political, racial, tribal…etc.
Organization Main Goals:
- Support and defending children and women rights that their rights are vulnerable.
- Helping farmers and villagers in the far located villages.
- Improving Industry development and handicrafts especially offering vocational services in the areas by establishing vocational and technical services centers via vocational and occupational courses and trainings.
- Developing agriculture, livestock and irrigation works via agricultural appearances, local water dams, cold houses and establishing house courses for ladies.
- Struggling for decreasing unwanted traditions and customs in the society.
- Struggling for decreasing administrative corruption and transparency assurance of accounting in the offices.
- Capacity building of ladies in the villages for active political taking part and expanding
- Struggling for eliminating violence based in sex and gender.
- Peace stability, solving problems and stopping violence.
- Improving peace for people of the society and preventing from children and mothers mortality.